3D system simulation
Virtual commissioning saves costs and detects new ways
Investment decisions in the sawmill are difficult for many reasons. It's about big
sums, the investments are long-term and they have to be needs-driven despite
difficult, fluctuating markets.
For these reasons, investments that often involve existential steps must be secured
with all available means.
This protection becomes extremely complex when it comes to linked, flexibly working
3D - Simulation
Here comes a new, indispensable tool for the sawing industry: the factory
and system simulation.
In addition to the know-how and experience from plant engineering and material
flow control, EWD will also use this tool to provide the best possible advice to
customers and support them in their decision-making.
Factory and system simulation (or material flow simulation) is the depiction of
a system with all relevant functions on the computer. A model of the planned
or the existing system is created.
This model includes the mechanical engineering properties
of the system
- Spacing
- Feeds and gaps
- Adjustment times
- Buffer sizes, etc.
and also the material flow logic
- Feeds and gaps calculation
- Bottleneck strategies
- Start-up behaviour
- Prioritisation at intersections, etc.
This enables you to experiment with the system model without any risk.
For example, different production scenarios, differently powerful machine
groups, different material flows and material flow logics, different buffer
sizes and much more can be tested and optimised.
The comparison and analysis of several variants, as well as looking at the
performance of the system in the most diverse cuts in time-lapse, paired
with a 3D animation in real time helps everyone involved to create planning
security and to achieve the optimum with the investment. Furthermore,
the animation ensures a better understanding of the system for everyone
involved. These are, for example, the interlocking trades of a sawmill, the
commissioning technicians, the operators or even the investors.
It is absolutely essential that the know-how of the sawmill specialist EWD is
combined with the knowledge of the possibilities and the use of factory and
system simulation. Both skills are available at EWD and are now combined
with each other in the best interest of the customers.